Corporate and regulatory compliance training is not the most exciting topics for employees. Corporate compliance ensures your organization runs smoothly and regulatory compliance ensures that your organization follows all applicable laws and regulations.
Common compliance areas in business include:
- Federal and State Laws
- Company Policies and Procedures
- Codes of Conduct
- Data Security
- Fraud Protection
- Business Ethics
- Discrimination
- Sexual Harassment
- OSHA Regulations
- Workplace Violence
- Risk Management
- Workplace Substance Abuse
- Diversity and Inclusiveness
Noncompliance with federal and state laws can be detrimental to any organization. Ethics violations can also create turmoil within the organization and cause the loss of trust with customers and the public in general which can take a very long time to recover from. Compliance training helps employees understand the issues and how to identify and report problems before violations can occur.
The key to effective compliance training is:
- Make it personal—use real-world scenarios and make it relatable
- Make it interesting—tell a story and make it visually stimulating
- Make it understandable—clear, concise, and to the point—don’t inundate them with too much information
- Make it easy to access—on demand and portable learning allows them to train when it’s convenient
- Make it ongoing—your team should be constantly learning, but don’t rehash the same old training—change it up!
There are many eLearning providers that can supply just-in-time learning. KnowledgeCity has a series of compliance courses in their new Compliance library. With courses added monthly, employees can train on new topics in an easy to use platform with 24/7 access.
Reporting Child Abuse: Mandated Reporters
In the United States, certain professions have been designated by law to report child abuse and maltreatment. This course gives Mandated Reporters the tools they need to identify child maltreatment and understand their responsibilities for reporting abuse to remain in compliance with the law.
FERPA Compliance: Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
FERPA is a federal law that applies to all public and private schools that receive federal funds under any applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education—most schools, colleges, and universities are subject to FERPA. This course will introduce you to this law which was enacted in 1974 to protect the privacy of student’s educational records.
Title VI Compliance: Agencies and Programs Receiving Federal Assistance
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance. It is one of the hardest forms of discrimination to detect. This course is designed to help you understand the individuals who are covered by these protections, who must follow this law, and how Title VI is enforced.
Prevent Discrimination and Embrace Diversity
A new addition to our Compliance courses, this Prevent Discrimination and Embrace Diversity course is designed to educate you on preventing discrimination in the workplace as well as understanding how equality and diversity in the workplace benefit business. You will learn strategies to prevent discrimination and develop ideas to implement inclusion for all employees.
Code of Conduct and Ethics for Employees
Codes of conduct and ethics serve an important role in all companies. They act as guidelines for the company’s character and expectations. This Code of Conduct and Ethics for Employees course will teach you what each code covers, the differences between the two, and how you can keep yourself and other employees accountable.
Creating a code of conduct allows your business to have clearly defined expectations for ethics and behavior. This online employee training course covers the reasons for businesses to have a clearly written code of conduct in place. Topics included cover the process of writing the document as well as the training methods required to fully inform your company of the standards in place. Additionally, the course covers how to enforce the code and understanding the diverse backgrounds of your team.
Possessing good business ethics allows organizations to gauge the fairness of production, trade, and social responsibility. These business ethics stem from the development of values in response to a long history of ethical reflection. As a result, this course covers important business skills related to making ethical business decisions. This includes ethics in the workplace, effective corporate codes, global business and ethics, and corporate regulatory and compliance.
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