Five Ways to Improve Company Culture

Company culture dictates what the day-to-day work life of your employees is like within your company. It is how your company’s vision and mission statement translate to the work environment. It includes how leaders support their team, dress code, business transactions, interaction between departments, and more. Every organization possesses its own unique culture. How can you tell if your corporate culture is a positive one?  Here’s what businesses with great company culture have in common, and what you can do to improve company culture at your organization.

5 Ways to Improve Company Culture


1. They hire for culture fit.

No matter how high-performing an employee may be, if they do not fit in with the company culture, it can bring the whole team down. Companies that take culture fit into consideration care about harmonizing their team in order to avoid behavioral issues, which can ultimately destroy team morale.


Ask behavior-based interview questions. For instance, “Can you tell me about a time you had to handle an irate customer?” The answers will give you perspective on the candidate’s past performance and whether or not it aligns with your company values.

2. Emphasize company values and mission statement.

Anyone can write a company mission, but if it isn’t understood across the organization, your employees may feel like an insignificant “cog” in the grand scheme of things.  A strong company culture thrives with employees who care for the mission to succeed because they know the importance of their roles.


Make sure your mission statement is meaningful, yet simple enough to translate into your employees’ day-to-day tasks. Mention specific behaviors, actions, and tasks that represent the company’s vision to show your employees what they do is important to the purpose of the business.

3. Create a team, not a group of individuals.

Companies with a strong culture are made of employees who don’t need to be forced to help each other. These employees encourage one another from the sidelines and step in to aid when necessary.


Host team building exercises, such as short icebreakers at the beginning of meetings. These moments allow your employees to socialize often so that working together comes naturally.


4. They expand employee freedom.

Expanding employee freedom means encouraging employees to speak up when they have ideas. Companies with a strong culture make their employees feel like they are capable of coming up with impactful ideas and that decision making doesn’t always have to come from upper management.


Hear employees out when they choose to share ideas that could improve business. If the employee is comfortable with public recognition, openly praise him or her and publicize the change. Giving credit to your employees will encourage them to continue providing good ideas. Before you know it, your company culture will be one of teamwork and innovation.

5. They always communicate.

Communicating effectively on a regular basis builds trust and a sense of camaraderie. Regular communication also lightens the mood when handling negative situations. The familiarity among employees can make it easier to access positive communication techniques during unfavorable conversations.


Regular meetings! They make communicating a standard procedure, where members of the company feel connected despite having separate projects. Allowing employees to learn about each other’s responsibilities gives them insight into how their work is interconnected and when help is needed. This way, when deadlines are met, achievement is close-knit and team morale is boosted.

These five essential tips will create the culture that drives team cohesion and company success.

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