
How to Build an Employee Training Program That’s Right for Your Business
Not all training programs are the same. Some may be delivered online, some in person. Some programs may teach hard skills, some may build leadership skills, and some...
The 5 Steps You’ll Need to Launch Your New LMS
IntroductionDetermine any Priority Items or Goals for your LMSGet Everything Prepped and Ready for ImplementationSchedule an Implementation Call with KnowledgeCitySet up the LMS to Your LikingPrepare to Announce...
Best Practices in Managing Your Remote Team
A lot has changed in the workplace as the effects of the global coronavirus pandemic have been felt worldwide. It’s important not to let fears, anxieties or stressors...
How to Protect Your Organization from Cybersecurity Attacks During COVID-19
It’s important to remember when planning to keep your organization safe from cyberattacks that it’s not just your wellbeing that’s at risk—you likely have lots of juicy customer...
Free Courses to Help Laid Off Workers Build New Skills During the COVID-19 Pandemic
At KnowledgeCity, we work hard to help our community however we can. There have been many business disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and we are witnessing firsthand...

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HIPAA Training and Data Breaches: Are You Protected?
In November 2018, 3,230,063 health care records were exposed, stolen or disclosed without permission, according to the HIPAA Journal. Despite efforts to protect medical records and make sure...
New Requirements for California Sexual Harassment Training
Sexual harassment and assault headline in the news every day. The Me Too movement fueled organizations to address and train employees to understand what sexual harassment is and...
11 Bad Tech Habits at Work
Technology has such a massive presence in the way we live and do business today that most people work with it in one form or another every day....
Top 6 Job Skills AI Can’t Replace
As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning continues rapidly evolving to meet the demands of an increasingly technological world, many are questioning what these developments mean for their...
AI Needs Humans in the Workforce
As machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies continue advancing at breakneck speeds, there is a rapidly growing concern about what the rise of automation and AI means...
Start Bridging the Tech Skills Gap Today
The tech skills gap is no secret, and it’s only getting wider by the year. Learn how to start bridging the gap today to remain competitive in a...