Learning and Development

Productivity Hacks from the Most Productive People in the World
As much as we wish we could add hours to the day, the trick to becoming more productive has a lot to do with our daily habits. Leaders...
Start Bridging the Tech Skills Gap Today
The tech skills gap is no secret, and it’s only getting wider by the year. Learn how to start bridging the gap today to remain competitive in a...
Amazon Decides to Split HQ2 to Handle Tech Talent Shortages
Amazon Inc’s announcement that it will be splitting its new headquarters between two communities highlights America's significant shortfalls in top tech talent. Amazon suggested that it could spend more...
Storytelling: Using Stories to Engage Learners
“Once upon a time” are some of the most well-known words in the English language. As soon as you hear those words, your mind sets itself up to...
Google Walkouts Over Women’s Rights
Worldwide outrage over Google’s mishandling of credible sexual misconduct allegations and general mistreatment of women workers reached a boiling point Thursday, resulting in thousands of employees hitting the...

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Improve Productivity in 5 Easy Steps
If you're like the average American, you probably believe you’re firing on all cylinders all the time (at least compared to your peers), but the truth is you’re...
Promoting Diversity in the Workplace
Staffing your team with a wide range of viewpoints and talents equips your company with a broader variety of insights and abilities— resources that can then help your...
Six Learning and Development Trends You Need for 2019
It’s that time of year again – spectacular foliage against brilliant blue skies, falling leaves, mornings as crisp as fresh apple cider. It’s also time for human resources...
Landing That First Job After College
More than 6 million people in the United States are out of work. That’s a lot of competition for any job seeker, but especially for unemployed graduates on...
Why Data Should Drive Your Training Strategy
In just one year, the number of learning and development professionals who said data plays a significant role in their work rose sharply - jumping from 47 percent...
5 Creative Ways to Attract Top Talent
It’s no wonder the competition for today’s top talent is fierce—high performers are 400 percent more productive than average employees. That’s a huge difference in output, and a...