
Millennial Workforce: Changing The Way We Do Business
Millennials are the fastest growing segment of the workforce, slated to comprise 75 percent of the labor force by 2025. Already they have made their mark on traditional...
How to Resign From Your Job
Terminating your employment takes ingenuity. Just saying “I quit” isn’t the end of your resignation. There are steps to be taken to ensure that your soon-to-be former colleagues,...
Employee Engagement: Meeting Their Needs
Employee engagement is a workplace mantra.  Managers around the globe are thinking about how to create a culture where employees thrive and become committed members of the team.  When...
Keys to Successful Project Management
Project Management skills are a highly sought-after skill set.  As a project manager, you will wear many hats. Your role is multifaceted and requires you to have some...
Is Your Training Transferring to the Workplace?
As companies rely more and more on their team’s knowledge, skills and abilities; we must ask: How well is your training transferring to the workplace? The True Cost of...

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Volunteering: Helping a Cause and Your Career
Volunteering has no time frame.  You don't have to wait until the holidays come around to help others.  If you have never volunteered before, you should.  Not only does volunteering...
Increasing Productivity in the Workplace
Highly engaged employees were found to be 26 percent more productive at work than their disengaged peers.  How does this affect the bottom line for companies? One study...
Multitasking: You’re Not as Productive as You Think
Mobile technology enables us to be hyper-connected to an ever-expanding network of social and business worldwide.  It enables us to multitask like never before.  According to a study on...
Become a Business Marketing Guru
Why is Marketing important for business?  According to an article in the Houston Chronicle, The Importance of Marketing for the Success of a Business, Marketing is the heart of...
Training Technology: Engaging Generations
How would you like to receive training by playing a video game? It’s not as far out as you think. Although instructor-led training sessions are still alive and...
Rise of the Gig Economy
Getting a full-time job with great benefits and job security is a thing of the past for many workers. While we may lament the good old days of...